Welcome to Purchase Place Chempol & FSG80 Portal

This site provides customers with up-to-date order information, including estimated ship dates and tracking information. For additional questions, including system access requests, please reach out to our customer service email order_status@asrcfederal.com.


We are making changes to the ChemPOL & FSG80 Customer Portal:

  • This website, chempol.purchaseplace.com is now public facing. You don't have to authenticate to get to this page anymore.
  • Product Lists are available so potential and existing customers can see what NSNs are available through the programs.
  • Authentication will be done upon hitting the Access Customer Portal Button. Initially you will still have to go through MFA first, and then login into the website. We hope to require only one login in the near future.
  • Over the next few months we will also be updating the look, feel and functionality of our site.
  • No action should be required by you to benefit from these improvements.
  To Contact us:
For a list of products (NSNs) available through the ChemPOL program Click here. email: Chempol/FSG80 Customer Service
For a list of products (NSNs) available through the FSG80 program Click here. Phone: 833-517-0211


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By entering your user name and password and accessing this web site, you expressly agree to and consent to be bound by the provisions of the Terms of Use Agreement applicable to this site, the current copy of which can be viewed by clicking here. If you do not agree to and consent to be bound by such agreement, do not enter your user name and password and do not access the remaining portions of this site.

Forgotten your login credentials?
Please enter a 10 digit phone number(.gov or .mil only)* required field


Thank you for your registration request.

Once the account manager and program manager have approved your request you will receive an email providing you with your login details.


 Please enter a 10 digit phone numberPlease enter the new account number: (i.e. 99999)* required field


Thank you for your registration request.

Once the account manager and program manager have approved your request you will receive an email providing you with your login details.


Please enter your user ID, so we can securely email you a link which will enable you to reset your password. If you have forgotten your user ID and would like to retrieve your ID using your email address, please click here.
If you don’t receive an email from our system within an hour, please contact the help desk or your local representative.


You will receive an email containing a link which can be used to reset your password. If you don’t receive an email from our system within an hour, please contact the help desk or your local representative.



User's Guide×
  1. PurchasePlace user interface has been upgraded.

    Throughout the site page specific tours are available.

  2. Here you can login.

  3. You can register for a new account here.

  4. Page specific tours can be restarted via this link.